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Parish Council Action Log

The current action log

Parish Council Agenda

The current meeting agenda

Latest County and District Council reports

Parish Council Minutes

N.B. CH report is District Councillor Colin Hedgley's Report; DC report is Dist Councillor Dan Clery's.


Draft Minutes of the Annual Parish Council Meeting on 8 May
Minutes of 6 March
Minutes of 10 January


Minutes of 1 November plus County Councillor's Report, CH report and DC report
Minutes of 6 September plus County Councillor's Report, CH report and DC report
County Councillor's Report and District Councillor's report for March 2023
Minutes of 15 February
Minutes of 25 January
Minutes of 11 January plus County Councillor's Report and District Councillor's report


Minutes of 2 November
Minutes of 28 September
Minutes of 7 September and District Councillors' Report
Minutes of 10th August
Minutes of 6th July
Minutes of Annual PC meeting 5th May
Draft Minutes of Annual Parish meeting 5th May plus reports from Chairman, County Councillor and District Councillors
Minutes of 27 April
Minutes of 2nd March 2022 plus County Councillor's Report and District Councillor's report
Minutes of 12 January 2022


Minutes of 3 November 2021 plus County Councillor's Report and District Councillor's report
Minutes of 1 September plus County Councillor's Report and District Councillor's report
Minutes of 24 August
Minutes of 28 July
Minutes of 14 July
Minutes of 1 June
Minutes of 17 March
Minutes of 3 March plus District Councillors' Report
Minutes of 24 February
Minutes of 13 January plus District Councillor's Report
Minutes of Annual PC meeting 5th May
Minutes of Annual Parish meeting 5th May plus reports from Chairman, County Councillor and District Councillors


Minutes of 4 November
Minutes of meeting 19 August
Notes of site meeting 18 June
Notes of email vote 20 May
Notes of email vote 26 March
Minutes of 4 March
Minutes of 19 February
Minutes of 15 January
Minutes of 8 January


Minutes of 10 December
Minutes of 6 November
Minutes of 30 October
Minutes of 4 September
Minutes of 31 July
Minutes of 3 July
Minutes of Annual Parish Council Meeting, 8 May
Draft minutes of Annual Parish meeting 8 May, plus chairman's report, district councillors' report and County councillor's report
Minutes of 18 April
Minutes of 6 March
Minutes of 6 February
Minutes of 9 January


Minutes of 20 November
Minutes of 7 November
Minutes of 10 October
Minutes of 5 September
Minutes of 4 July
Minutes of planning meeting 9 May
Minutes of Annual Parish Council meeting 2 May
Minutes of Annual Parish meeting 2 May, plus chairman's and SCC report
Minutes of 7 March
Minutes of 10 January


Minutes of 17 November
Minutes of 1 November and Footpath report
Minutes of 6 September
Minutes of 5 July
Minutes of Annual Parish Council meeting, 3 May
Minutes of Annual Parish Meeting, 3 May, plus chairman's report
Minutes of 1 March
Minutes of 11 January


Minutes of 2 November

Minutes of 7 September

Minutes of 25 July

Minutes of 6 July

Minutes of 1 June

Minutes of 4 May

Minutes of Annual Meeting, 4 May

Minutes of 11 April and notes of site meeting, 6 April

Minutes of 2 March

Minutes of 6 January


Minutes of 4 November

Minutes of planning meeting, 28 September

Minutes of 2 September

Minutes of 22 July

Minutes of 1 July

Minutes of 13 May

Minutes of Annual Meeting 2015, plus reports from Chairman, Police and Councillor Bellfield.

Minutes of 4 March and Police Report

Minutes of 29 January

Minutes of 14 January


Minutes of 10 December

Minutes of 5 November

Minutes of 3 September

Minutes of 19 August

Minutes of planning meeting, 22 July

Minutes of 2 July

Minutes of 7 May

Minutes of Annual Meeting, 7 May

Chairman's Report

Minutes of 26 March

Minutes of 19 March

Minutes of 5 March

Minutes of 6 February

Minutes of 8 January


Minutes of planning meeting, 18 December 2013

Minutes of planning meeting, 11 December 2013

Minutes of 2nd December 2013

Minutes of 6th November 2013

Minutes of 27th September 2013

Minutes of 4th September 2013

Minutes of 3rd July 2013

Minutes of Annual Parish Meeting 1st May 2013

Report by Councillor Peter Bellfield

Report by Chairman Simon Hanson

Report by PCSO Sally Thomas

Minutes 1st May 2013

Minutes 9th January 2013

Minutes 6th March 2013


Minutes 4th January 2012

Minutes 7th March 2012

Minutes of Annual Parish Meeting 2 May 2012 + Peter Bellfield's report + Chairman's report

Minutes of Parish Council Meeting 2 May 2012 + Summary of Cashbook

Minutes of 4th July 2012

Minutes of 30 August 2012

Peter Bellfield's report, November 2012

Minutes of 7 November 2012


Minutes of Annual Parish Meeting 2 March 2011

Report by Councillor Peter Bellfield 2010/2011

Minutes of 5th January 2011

Minutes of 2nd March 2011

Minutes of 15th April 2011

Minutes of 26th April 2011

Minutes of 12th May 2011

Minutes of 6th July 2011

Minutes of 7th September

Minutes 5th October 2011

Minutes 2nd November 2011


Budget 2010/11

Minutes of a Council Meeting 21st January 2010

Minutes of 3 March 2010

Minutes of 5 May 2010

Minutes of Annual Parish meeting 5 May 2010

Summary of Cash Book 2009/2010

Annual Chairman's Parish Report 2010

Report by Councillor Peter Bellfield 2010

Minutes of 7th July 2010

Minutes of 1st September 2010

Minutes of 3rd November


Minutes of a Council Meeting 7th January 2009

Budget 2009/10

Minutes of a Council Meeting 4th March 2009

Minutes of a Council Meeting 6 May 2009

Minutes of Annual Parish Meeting 6 May 2009

Report by Councillor Peter Bellfield - 2009

Annual Chairman's Parish Report - 2009

Minutes of a Council Meeting 22 July 2009

Minutes of a Council Meeting 2 September 2009

Minutes of a Council Meeting 4 November 2009


Budget for 2008/09

Minutes of a Council Meeting 10 January 2008

Minutes of a Council Meeting 3 March 2008

Notes of a Local Development Meeting - 17th March 2008

Minutes of Annual Parish Meeting 7 May 2008

Annual Chairman's Parish Report - 2008

Parish Plan Report

Minutes of a Council Meeting 7 May 2008

Minutes of a Council Meeting 25 June 2008

Minutes of a Council Meeting 17 Sept 2008

Minutes of a Council Meeting 18 November 2008


Minutes of a Council Meeting 3 January 2007

Minutes of an Extraordinary Meeting 31 January 2007

Minutes of a Council Meeting 7 March 2007

Minutes of Annual Parish Meeting 16 May 2007

Minutes of an Annual Parish Council Meeting 16 May 2007

Annual Parish Report by the Chairman

Minutes of a Council Meeting 4 July 2007

Minutes of a Council Meeting 5 September 2007

Minutes of a Council Meeting 7 November 2007


Minutes of a Council Meeting 1 November 2006