
Parish council
Village hall
Useful information about the village
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Useful Information

Playford Parish Council

The Council meets six times a year on the first Wednesday of alternate months, commencing January. The meetings begin at 7.00 pm.

Agendas and minutes of previous meetings can be read on this website - please follow the link to the Parish council on the left.

Contact: Marian Hedgley, Clerk to the Parish Council.
The Coach House, Playford Mount Tel: 01473 738 468, email playfordpc@hotmail.co.uk
Parish councillors:

  • Ben Evans - Chairman
  • Joan Metcalfe - Vice Chairman
  • Steve Hicks
  • Martin Hill
  • Lee Knighting

To contact any of the Parish Councillors please email playfordpc@hotmail.co.uk

Chiropody Clinic

Every six weeks on Fridays, 9.00 am till 1.00 pm. For details:

Contact: Gina Corani

Playford Art Club

Meets every Thursday morning 10 am to 12 am during the school term.

Contact: Trevor White


Every Tuesday 9.30 am till 11.15 am.

Contact: Abigail Todd


Every Wednesday evening 7.30 pm till 8.30 pm.

Contact: Julie Gorevan

Playford Women’s Institute

Meets in the Village Hall on the first Tuesday of each month.

Contact: Liz Royle 01473 622443 or Sally Herrington 01473 735751

St Mary’s Church

Service times are on the Church Noticeboard and can also be found on www.achurchnearyou.com. Adults and children are very welcome at services. There is a service every second Sunday of the month at 10 am and services use the modern rite.

Playford Church Vicar: Revd Gary Jones
01473 412329 and 07714 614095

Church Warden: Colin Hedgley, The Coach House, Playford Mount, IP13 6PH. 01473 768468

Doctors, Dentists, Opticians and Pharmacists

The NHS website has lists: Doctors, Dentists, Opticians and Pharmacies.


Non-urgent enquiries: Ring 101


A mobile Library parks at Playford by the notice board on the third Thursday of the month between 1.50 pm – 2.05 pm

More information: Suffolk Libraries

Post Office

The nearest one is Grundisburgh PO, The Olde Forge Stores, The Street, Grundisburgh, IP13 6TA.

Contact: 01473 735347

Waste Collections

Collections take place on Fridays with domestic waste (grey bin) alternating with paper and plastic (blue lid) and garden waste collections (brown bin). If you are not sure of your collection day or haven't received a calendar, use the contact information below.

Contact: East Suffolk Norse 03450 402020

Recycling Bins

Glass and clothes recycling banks are situated at the entrance to the Village Hall car park.


The Milk & More milkman delivers within the village Tuesdays/Thursdays/Saturdays. Sign up on their website.

Contact: 0345 606 3606

Paper Deliveries

D C Patrick Newsagents, Framlingham.

Contact: 01728 724414

Suffolk Coastal District Council

Local Councillor: Colin Hedgley 01473 738468

Suffolk County Council

Local (Acting) Councillor: Mary Evans 01284 789478 or 07970 187864

Deben Bridge Club

Meets in the Village Hall on Monday evenings between 7 pm and 10 pm. Their website has further details.

Contact: Ann Kent, Chairman

Whist Drives

Meets in the Village Hall every every 4th Tuesday in the month 2.00 pm till 4.00 pm.

Contact: Sally Herrington 01473 735751

Toddler Group

Every Friday during term time 10.00 am till 12.00 am.

Contact: Katrina Thimblethorpe