9.4 Stakeholders Survey

Over 50 interviews were conducted by members of the Stakeholders Working Group - by phone call, email or personal meeting.

Some areas of concern were mentioned by several stakeholders (e.g. traffic problems, parking at Bealings School) as reported in the text below. Unless otherwise stated, all comments come from individual stakeholders.

Generally, the stakeholders were very happy to be working in, accessing or providing facilities in the Parishes and did not have any major criticisms of the services provided. Many people mentioned the lovely rural environment and good community spirit. The village halls and the playing field received universal praise.

9.4.1 Utilities

The utilities interviewed (Ambulance and Water) had no detrimental future plans and in the case of the Ambulance service, the response rate is planned to be shortened further. The Post Office reported that there may be some changes in delivery times and possible cancellation of Saturday collections.

9.4.2 Safety

On the whole, people feel the villages are safe to live in. There have, however, been a few thefts from cars parked outside village halls, as well as theft from inside the halls, but the Police report large numbers of cars are left unlocked or with items left visible. They are trying to increase the availability of their mobile van.

Other concerns mentioned the lack of a road name/sign on the road from Little to Great Bealings (Holly Lane) which can cause delays in reaching the correct house; there is very poor access for emergency vehicles to Great Bealings church.

Action 16 Great Bealings PCC to consider emergency access to church.

New Neighbourhood Watch schemes are being explored as the existing systems are no longer functional.

9.4.3 Social Life

The Little Bealings Bowling Club would like more members. There was a comment that there are no Brownies or Cubs Groups in Bealings or a Youth Club for older children. The W.I. would welcome new members and guest speakers. We were reminded that the Benefice magazine can be used for articles and free advertisements for local clubs and societies. One stakeholder reported the disappointing response to the letter fund-raising for the playing field.

9.4.4 Waste Collection

Great Bealings received their new recycling bins in July 2008. Little Bealings and Playford will not get theirs until 2010 as they are last on the Suffolk Coastal list. There are 3 colours: blue lids for recyclable material, grey lids for other household waste and brown bins for garden and food waste. Suffolk Coastal are happy to deal with any issues or concerns.

9.4.5 Communication

Several stakeholders mentioned that mobile phone reception across the three villages is very patchy and Freeview is not available everywhere. See Action 15. A broadband centre was suggested for Bealings.

Digital Radio and Television is also patchy.

